5 psychological benefits of swimming

In fact, when we move in the water, we not only take care of our body, but also our mind: we move the various muscles at the same time without overloading our joints, stimulate our circulation and switch off everyday worries with lifeguard training.
From a psychological point of view, the swimming pool is a veritable oasis, to which everyday problems and the worries related to them have no access. When we swim, we can also develop other strengths, such as discipline, perseverance, and perseverance with lifeguard training.
We already indicated it in the list above: the physiological benefits of swimming are almost unlimited. In summary, it can be said that swimming is a particularly “complete” sport with which we can avoid or compensate for muscular imbalances that result from numerous other disciplines . Our cardiovascular system benefits enormously from swimming, just like our muscles. We increase stamina and strength, we don’t become bodybuilders, but we get a healthy and quite handsome body in return for our discipline.
Many people only discover swimming for themselves when they can no longer pursue their usual activities for health reasons. An injury may be responsible for this – although the swimming pool can be used to gently build up muscles again – or a chronic disease such as arthritis. There is hardly any sport that is as easy on the joints as swimming.
Because of all these advantages , the question of a suitable (beginner) sport is answered by many doctors with “swimming!” answered. The target audience is broad: from young children who still need swimming aids, to those who can already keep themselves afloat, adults of all shapes and sizes, to seniors who may no longer be able to jog or play football due to health conditions with lifeguard training.
But swimming isn’t just a good way to get through injury breaks or other types of recovery. Various studies have shown that regular swimming helps prevent many diseases.
Now we have already discussed in detail how our body benefits from swimming. But do you know the psychological benefits of swimming? We present them in this article.
Swimming against the stress
First and foremost, swimming also helps to cope with stress. We can relieve stress in water, at least as much as doing other sports. It is a relaxing discipline that forces us to focus on and regulate our breathing . At the same time we activate the oxygen transport to our muscles with lifeguard training.
It has also been shown that swimming stimulates the development of neurons in areas of the brain that are particularly affected by chronic stress. So we not only relax, but at the same time increase our ability to face conflicts and solve problems. That way we don’t let stress develop in the first place.
Recharge your batteries while swimming
In the short term, the same goes for swimming, but it’s amazing how quickly our batteries recharge after we’ve done a few laps in the pool. Try it once! You will see that it is so much easier for you to cope with your workday and everyday challenges. And the best thing is, you will feel good about it!
Swimming for self-esteem
You’ll feel good because swimming will boost your self-esteem. In a way, we not only train our bodies, but also our minds. On the one hand we burn a lot of fat and shape our muscles. On the other hand, we increase our confidence in ourselves. And this has a knock-on effect: when we feel better about ourselves, our spirits lift and we are more able to solve problems.
“To achieve what you have not been able to achieve, you must do what you have not done before.”
training for the brain
When we swim, we get our circulation going and our heart pumps more oxygen to the periphery. In that periphery lies not only the muscles, but also the brain.
If we swim regularly, we soon find that it becomes increasingly easier for us to meet the obligations that our everyday life imposes on us. An improved ability to concentrate is also responsible for this.
prevention of depression
The last of the psychological benefits of swimming that we want to list today is its antidepressant effects.This makes the swimming lesson a social experience, an enrichment in the interpersonal sense. In addition, swimming always brings a sense of achievement when we can overcome the challenges that we face in this training session. This releases endorphins and neurotransmitters that lift our spirits .
You probably knew that swimming has numerous benefits from a sports science perspective. The swimmer trains both aerobic and anaerobic, endurance and strength. And that without putting undue strain on your musculoskeletal system. Now you also know that psychologists also count themselves among the fans of swimming. So what are you waiting for to jump into the cool water?