Basketball Lights-Out Shooting Drills

Basketball shooting drills don’t have to be complicated. In fact, the most effective ones are simple, straightforward, and take little time to perform. The reason for this is that basketball—at the highest level—is about mechanics, consistency, and understanding of the fundamentals of shooting. We’ll discuss the best shooting drills for basketball that will help players build muscle memory, develop an overall shooting routine, and master the basic mechanics of the game.
10 Basketball Lights-Out Shooting Drills
Off Shooting Drill
This is a great drill to practice one-dribble pull-up jump shots. It also helps players stay in rhythm by working on their foot and ball-handling skills.
This drill is straightforward. The player makes one dribble, jumps, releases the ball towards the hoop and lands on his or her spot. To make it tougher, shorten the distance the player must travel.
23 Cones Shooting Drill
This is a great drill to build player speed and quickness. It can help players work on their dribbling ability and willingness to keep their dribbles alive for longer than usual.
Set up cones about four or five feet apart to form a triangle. The player starts with the ball at the tip of the triangle. The player dribbles with two or three dribbles to get to the corner of the opposite triangle. Then, the player takes one dribble at a time back to the starting point and takes a jump shot.
Players can also move their starting point to the middle of the two triangles and their jump shot location to the corner of the top triangle.
Pressure Jump Shots
This drill helps players learn how to shoot while they’re under duress. The drill will also help them create space, initiate contact, draw fouls and run off screens to get open.
The player starts by facing the basket with the ball and a coach. The coach is one or two steps away from the player, and his arms are crossed. The coach yells out a random number. The player then takes that many dribbles to shoot.
Speed Shooting Drill
This drill is designed to work on the player’s speed, decision-making, and shooting under pressure.
The player starts by facing the goal with a ball. Takes two or three player dribbles and shoots a shot with one hand in a layup line towards the opposite direction of the player’s original starting point.
The player then dribbles back to the starting point and repeats the same process by shooting another shot with one hand. The player should be going as fast as possible.
Off the Dribble Form Shooting
This is among the best shooting drill for basketball players who want to get shots off the dribble and it does not count the player’s number of shots.
Their mission is to get the best shot possible at the end of the time limit.
As the player is taking shots, they should think about shooting with the proper form, having a quick release and following through.
Weave Layups and Shots
This drill is designed to work on the players’ speed and their ability to make layups and shots from different positions on the court.
The player starts with a ball and runs to the half-court line. Player dribbles to the opposite free-throw line, squares up to the basket for one dribble, and makes a blind layup.
Player then runs back and makes a layup or a shot from the opposite free-throw line.
31 Shooting Drill
This drill is designed for the players to practice their shooting. The number of balls is dependent on the number of players.
The players position themselves around the key on the half-court line. The coach passes the ball to one of the players, who shoots it.
Then the player who shot the ball rotates to the other side of the net, while the player who took the shot goes behind the line. The player in the middle of the net then shoots the ball.
Give and Go Shooting Drill
This drill is designed to work on the player’s shooting while they dribble. The drill also improves their passing skills.
Two players start in the corners of the court. The coach passes the ball to one of the players, who runs to the middle of the court.
That player passes the ball back to the coach, who starts with a ball in the middle of the court. That player then passes the ball to the other player in the corner of the court.
Screen Shooting Drill
This drill is designed to work on the players’ shooting while using a screen. The coach can use any of the screens in basketball.
The players position themselves on the free-throw line. The coach passes to the player, who uses a screen to get open for the shot. The player who shot the ball then rotates to the other side of the net, and the player who took the shot goes behind the line.
Partner Form Shooting Drill
This drill is designed to work on the players’ shooting while dribbling. The coach can use any of the screens in basketball.
The players start in the corners of the court. One player with a ball at the top of the key passes it to the player in the corner who drives to the basket. The player making the basket then returns to the corner where the drill started.
The coach should make sure the players concentrate on their footwork and not rush their shots.
These are the most effective individual shooting drills basketball that you can use to improve your shot. They are easy to implement and easy to understand. They’re designed to help you become a better shooter, and in that regard, they will help you develop better overall shooting mechanics.