Bhujpidasana yoga keeps the stress away and improves blood circulation

There are many such asanas in yoga asanas, whose names you have rarely heard. One of those asanas is Bhujpidasana. Just as its name is difficult to say, it is also a little difficult to practice. However, for those who practice it regularly, their body remains in control. Along with this, they also keep away from many health problems. It is also called Soldier Pressing Pose. It is also not easy to do this because the body needs strength in it. Before doing this, it is very important that you practice it by talking to a yoga expert. Avoid taking it on an empty stomach. By doing Bhujpidasana, the body becomes flexible. This strengthens the muscles of the hands, as well as increases the strength of the hands.
Yoga provides many benefits to the body. Yoga also helps in keeping the body healthy and the mind calm. By doing Bhujpidasana, your blood circulation remains correct. Along with this, the muscles of the body also get stronger with this posture. Flexibility increases in the body and your shoulders are also strong. Bhujpidasana also helps in removing stress and anxiety of the mind. It also helps you to increase your confidence. Let us know in detail about the benefits and methods of doing this yoga asana.
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Benefits of Bhujpidasana:
- This asana helps in maintaining balance and concentration of the body.
- It helps in keeping the digestive system healthy.
- By practicing Bhujpidasana, the blood circulation remains correct.
- This practice also helps in curing tension and headache.
- It strengthens the muscles of the wrist, hand, and shoulder.
- The practice of this yoga pose also stretches the abdominal muscles.
- It also provides relief in thigh pain.
- It also helps in reducing belly fat.
How to do Bhujapidasana:
- To do this yoga posture, sit on the yoga mat.
- Take both your hands forward and feet backward and lift the hips upwards.
- After this, bend the knees and bring both your feet in front of your hands.
- Then bring the shoulders of both your hands under your knees and keep the palms firmly on the ground.
- Now bring your hips slightly downwards.
- After this, now bring the weight of your whole body on the palms and try to bring both feet together.
- Now slowly move your feet backward and keep your head on the ground.
- Stay in this position for some time and then slowly try to come back to the starting position.
- During this yoga posture, keep breathing and exhaling in slow motion.
If you are a fitness freak and want to know more about yoga poses, then you can enroll in a 300 hour yoga teacher training in rishikesh.
- If you have problems with your shoulders, wrists, or lower back, then avoid doing this yoga asana.
- If you have problems with high blood pressure or cervical pain, then do not do this exercise.
- In the beginning, do it only under the supervision of the trainer.
- Do not do this if you have stomach pain or any kind of problem.
- Do not practice it in the problem of diarrhea.