Choosing the Right Color for Your Braces

If you’re thinking about getting braces to fix your teeth, you might be wondering what color they should be. This can be an important part of the decision, because your teeth will be visible through them all day and possibly permanently, depending on the type of braces you choose and how long you have them on. However, there are plenty of factors that go into choosing the right color that are more important than just aesthetics. Here are some things to keep in mind when considering your options and how to choose the right color for your braces.
What colors do braces come in?
There are so many colors! It can be a little daunting to think about what color is right for you. As with most things in life, deciding on a color has less to do with aesthetics and more to do with you – what you like, what’s comfortable and more importantly, what will allow your braces to do their job effectively and efficiently. Colors can be group into three major categories: natural tooth colors, white-colored braces and clear braces. In general, your dentist or orthodontist will choose a treatment plan that best addresses your needs based on which of these three types of braces will work best for you.
How do colors affect my teeth?
Like everything else, teeth react to colors differently. Some tones have a stimulating effect on tooth enamel, while others can stain your smile. Consider these facts when choosing your braces color
What other considerations should I make when choosing colors?
Tooth staining occurs when you have a poor oral hygiene routine and take in too many food and drink dyes. There are ways to prevent tooth staining. For example, you can brush your teeth with a whitening toothpaste or rinse with a whitening mouthwash after every meal. Another way to get rid of tooth staining is by visiting your dentist; he or she can provide you with a bleaching treatment that will allow you to have white teeth once again! Make sure to brush thoroughly every day and visit your dentist as often as possible so that he or she can check up on your teeth and make sure they stay nice and white!
What if I don’t like the color of my braces after they are on?
First, try to wait until your gums have had a chance to heal, which will happen between three and six months after getting braces. If you still don’t like your color choice, ask your orthodontist if there are ways you can change it. There are some non-invasive things that can be done to make braces less visible. As with many other aspects of orthodontics, treatments vary from one patient to another depending on each person’s individual preferences and needs. Discuss your color concerns with your orthodontist before any treatment begins so that options are available when changes might be need.
What is tooth staining, and how can I prevent it?
Staining of teeth is a very common problem that can happen to anyone. It is cause by chemical reactions between certain foods and drinks and your tooth enamel. The enamel of your teeth is essentially made up of crystals, and when these crystals are expose to certain substances they start to change their structure. Sometimes these color changes may be permanent, but there are ways you can prevent them. One way you can prevent it from happening at all would be to choose toothpastes that have been known to have positive effects on stain removal from teeth. Another thing you could do would be to avoid certain kinds of food or drink altogether in order to keep them from staining your teeth unnecessarily.