Common SSL Issues in WordPress and How to Fix Them

Everybody who wants to actively find success in the market knows that a website is a window for your business. This means you need to keep it fresh and exciting with changes from time to time. But we like to add another aspect to it and that is KEEP IT SECURE. Keeping your business website secure is one of the major aspects of today’s digital world as people are getting cognizant of their data and you also need to be conscious about it. Security is a major reason why Google announces that it would flag websites that do not have Secure Layer Certificates which are also known as SSL certificates. A website without an SSL certificate won’t stand a chance in the competitive market where you are challenging Google and its algorithms For those who do not know, SSL makes sure your website delivers a secure connection via Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) protocol. As a result, many business sites with WordPress contacted wordpress development company in Australia for it. And here in this post we are explaining SSL Issues in WordPress and how to fix it.
Fast-forwarding to today, a website without an SSL certificate won’t stand a chance in the competitive market where you are challenging Google and it’s algorithms. Setting up an SSL certificate tends to be quite easy but if you are not tech background then you may end up with some errors in the process. So, as a leading wordpress development agency Melbourne we thought of sharing the common SSL issues in WordPress and how to solve them.
This error is quite common in Google Chrome. As the majority of users prefer Chrome as their browser you need to have a look at this issue. If your users are running into an error message that says NET::ERR_CERT_INVALID that means your connection to the site is not secure. If you already have an SSL certificate this likely means something is wrong with the settings or configurations. So, first you must ensure the certificate is assigned to the correct domain or sub-domain. Then you need to check the certificate is not expired. If you have installed the certificate yourself then try consulting a wordpress development company in Australia.
Mixed Content Errors
Another common type of error you may encounter when shifting to an SSL certificate is mixed warnings. The reason behind this error when images, scripts or your stylesheets on your site load using the old, unsecured HTTP protocol. In a nutshell, some of your WordPress content is secure while some parts of the website aren’t. To remove this error all you need to do is to install and activate the tool on your website and then locate the plugin settings by navigating to Settings > SSL. That’s it.
Too Many Redirects
Another common issue in WordPress websites is too many redirects. This usually happens when WordPress lets you enforce SSL/HTTPS for the admin area of your site. Now to resolve this error and never let it happen again you need to edit your wp-config.php file. You can easily locate this file using a Secure File Transfer Protocol in your web hosting. If it all feels daunting then hiring wordpress development agency Melbourne is also not a bad idea.
These are some of the common SSL issues in WordPress and ways to fix them. If you are also having these errors then you know how to fix them easily. We hope you will find this information useful.