Do suchi mudra daily to get rid of constipation

You can practice suchi mudra to get rid of the problem of constipation. This gives you relief to a great extent.
Suchi Mudra for Constipation: Unhealthy diet, inactive lifestyle, and increasing stress are becoming the cause of many health problems. One of these is constipation. There is difficulty in the passing stool due to constipation. Due to constipation, a person starts getting various diseases, so it is necessary to treat them on time. Many people resort to medicines to relieve constipation, while some people want to cure this problem in a natural way. Suchi mudra is beneficial for treating constipation. You can easily do this at home. What is list currency? Read on to know about this…
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Benefits of Suchi Mudra: Suchi Mudra is the easiest way to overcome constipation, gas, and digestive problems. It helps to clean the stomach thoroughly. By doing this mudra, you get physical and mental peace.
What is Suchi Mudra?
Suchi mudra is a hand mudra. It is made from the Sanskrit word Shuchi. Shuchi means purity or cleanliness. This mudra is a special position of the fingers of the hands, in which there is a balance of five elements. Performing this mudra benefits both physically and mentally.
How to do suchi mudra:
You can practice this mudra regularly to get rid of the problem of constipation.
- To do this mudra, first of all, sit in Padmasana in a cool, airy, and open place.
- Close both your eyes.
- Close the fists of both your hands.
- Keep both fists on your chest.
- Keep the left hand on the chest.
- And after this, while taking a long deep breath, bring the right hand towards the front.
- Now lift your index finger upwards.
- And during this, there should be pressure on the ring finger with your thumb.
- You can stay in this posture for five-ten minutes.
- And then keeping the right hand on the chest, repeat the same process with the left hand.
- You can repeat this mudra 10-12 times with both hands.
- And if you have been constipated for a long time, then you can also extend its time limit.
- By practicing suchi mudra daily, you will get a lot of relief from constipation.
Benefits of suchi mudra:
1. This Mudra is considered very beneficial in relieving chronic constipation.
2. This mudra can also be done to detox or cleanse the intestines.
3. To remove the dirt from the body, do the daily practice of this Mudra.
4. This mudra is also beneficial in relieving migraine, chest pain, and burning sensations.
5. This Mudra removes our stomach and digestion-related problems.
6. This mudra is considered beneficial for gas, indigestion, and constipation.
7. This Mudra keeps the mind completely fresh by removing stress, anxiety.
Precautions while doing suchi mudra:
This mudra helps a lot in balancing the imbalanced elements of the body. But while doing this mudra, keep some things in mind.
- If there is any problem while doing this mudra, then stop practicing immediately.
- In the beginning, practice such a mudra under the supervision of a yoga teacher or a guru.
- Do not do this Mudra if there is a problem of injury or pain in the hands.
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If you are also constipated, then you can practice suchi mudra. With this, the problem of chronic constipation is cured. By doing this mudra, all the problems related to stomach, digestion are cured. To stay in good health and free from diseases, do the practice of Suchi Mudra for 10 minutes a day.