Do You Wax Your Eyebrows? Look Out For This Sneaky Reaction

Wax Your Eyebrows Waxing your eyebrows seems like a relatively harmless beauty routine, but there are some serious side effects to consider before you get the hot wax on your face.
Waxing removes hair from the root and can cause skin irritation and allergic reactions. If you’re prone to allergies or have sensitive skin, waxing might not be for you—or it could even make existing allergies worse! Here’s what experts say about these sneaky side effects:
It Itches (Really Bad!)
Itching skin is a common reaction to waxing, but it can also be caused by other factors. To help you determine whether or not it’s just your skin getting irritated, here’s what you need to know:
Itching can last up to 24 hours after a waxing treatment. If the itchiness lasts longer than that, it could be an allergic reaction.Wax Your Eyebrows
The itching may be caused by products used after the waxing process (read more on this below).
Some people are allergic to wax itself and should avoid using it on their face or body altogether. Best Smelling Shampoo
Your Skin Might Get Bumpy
If you notice bumps all over your skin, it might be a reaction to the wax or chemical. If this is the case, try using a different product and see if that solves the problem. However, there are other things that could be causing these bumps as well. Wax Your Eyebrows
If your skin gets pulled too hard during hair removal, it can cause irritation and inflammation in some cases. If you have sensitive skin or get burns easily from hot water or sunburns then it can also happen because of this reason as well.
You Could Break Out
You may experience some breakouts around your eyebrows. The skin can become inflamed and red, swollen, itchy, dry and flaky with scaly patches. The bumps can be painful too.
The cause of this reaction may be one or more of the ingredients used in waxing your brows: beeswax, paraffin wax or lanolin oil (an ingredient used in baby lotions). These ingredients are all comedogenic (pore-clogging) which means they block off the pores on your face causing acne and blackheads to form under the surface of your skin.*
Your Skin Could Darken
You may find that your skin darkens after waxing. The skin on your face is less sensitive than the skin on other parts of your body, so it’s more likely to react negatively to waxing.
If you notice that the area of skin around each eyebrow has become lighter in color than before, this could be a sign of an allergic reaction or sensitivity issue caused by one of the ingredients used in the wax. If this happens, consult a dermatologist for treatment options and advice on how to avoid similar reactions in the future.
The Skin Underneath Could Get Red And Lumpier
If the skin underneath your eyebrows gets red and lumpier than usual, it’s a sign of infection. This can happen if you have sensitive skin or if someone else is waxing them for you. In any case, see a doctor immediately because it’s better to be safe than sorry!
If this happens to you often, stop waxing your eyebrows until the rash goes away or your doctor gives the clear. If it doesn’t go away after two weeks, visit an esthetician who knows what they’re doing so that she can help treat this problem with specialized techniques—but only see her once you’ve gotten checked out by a medical
professional first!
It’s also possible that the type of wax used will contribute to issues like these: some types are harsher on sensitive skin than others; some people need more heat to get all those little hairs off their face (and thus may find themselves getting irritated more often). If none of these solutions seem to work well enough for whatever reason (or if they don’t work at all), then consider switching up how and where you do things instead—maybe try shaving instead? Or plucking? Or tweezing? You’ll want something less irritating than waxing anyway since otherwise those pimples might just come back again next time around…Wax Your Eyebrows
If you have any of these symptoms after waxing your eyebrows, you might have an allergy.
If you have any of these symptoms after waxing your eyebrows, it may be an allergic reaction to the ingredients in the wax or to the hair removal process itself.
Allergic reactions are more common than you might think when it comes to eyebrow waxing. If you’re not sure if your symptoms are related to a hair removal procedure, make a note of what happened before and after your treatment—and if possible, try going without treatment for a bit so that you can see if any other skin conditions arise.
It’s important to remember that not everyone has the same reaction to waxing. If you’re still considering it, make sure you do your research and talk with your doctor beforehand. And if you do experience symptoms like these after getting your brows done, don’t panic! It might just be an allergy or an adverse reaction to something else (like makeup). Some people find relief by switching out their products for natural alternatives that don’t contain potentially irritating ingredients like petroleum jelly or fragrance oils but still deliver results.