How To Draw An Abstract Face
How to draw an abstract face
Abstract face drawing in just six easy steps! Craft has reached via many other types and actions. Often a new movement created by extreme artists existed, was misunderstood, and even vilified at the time, only to become influential and loved over time. Abstract art is an example; artists like Picasso would rock the art world with their bizarre and expressive art. Learning to draw an abstract face is a great way to contribute to this famous art movement! However, knowing where to start regarding this style can be challenging, which we’ll cover in this tutorial. Our step-by-step guide on drawing an abstract face in just six easy steps will show you how to create one of these weird and beautiful works of art! Scary things to draw
How to Draw an Abstract Face – Allows Contact Initiated!
Step 1
This abstract art style is characterized by many shapes that interact, and these shapes often feature more minor details. We’ll start drawing and building these shapes in this first step of our guide on drawing a notional facade! This first form will be the eyelid beyond the gaze and can be removed utilizing curved lines to complete a level, round form. The eyelid will then have a string of little twirl lines drawn inside, operating as eyelashes. You can then connect a few more curved lines to the eyelid and add a few more lines around those areas for more detail. Then it will be in step 2 of the guide!
Step 2: Now remove the rest of the views.
You started drawing some aspects of the eyes in the previous step of this abstract face drawing, and in this second part, we will finish the eyes. Preferably, draw another curved line for the base edge of the eye. Then you can add another line below this one for the lower eyelid. Next, draw a black circular shape with a small white circle for the eye’s pupil. A few curved vertical lines can then surround this. You can add a series of small, slightly curved lines on the lower eyelid for a few extra lashes. Start the nose using another curved vertical line, and then you can draw the other eye attached to it. This eye will look much like the first but will be significantly smaller. Once all these details are mapped, we will move on to step 3 of the guide!
Step 3: Remove the side of the show.
Continuing with this guide on drawing an abstract face, we will now add the side of the face. Under the eye on the right side, you can draw a rounded triangular shape. Several additional curved lines will then traverse this shape. There will be more specific line details to add in this area, and then we will move on to the next step in focus!
Step 4: Followership, draw the beak and chops of the face.
For this fourth aspect of your conceptual face sketch, we will draw the nose and mouth of this face. The nose will be removed using a side triangle attached to the bridge. Next, we will use curved lines to draw them divided into several parts for the lips. The jaws faction will also have a straight line supervising down from the snout and through the center of the mouth. Once it’s drawn, we’ll be ready for the final design elements and details!
Step 5: Reckoning Later Issues to Your Abstract Face Illustration
In this fifth step of our focus on drawing an abstract face, we will outline the rest of the face to prepare you for the coloring fun in the last stage of the guide. Use a curved line for the bottom left edge of the face to finish it off! Once it’s drawn, you can also add your touches to the image. There are no right or wrong answers to abstract art, so you can add whatever shapes or little touches you think will suit the composition. It will be a great chance to display your imagination and say yourself with your talent. We can’t stay to witness how you complete this fantastic drawing!
Step 6: Finish your abstract face drawing with paint.
You are ready to finish this beautiful abstract drawing of a face with some color! As we said in the previous step, there is no wrong way to paint this picture. We have used a massive selection of different bright colors to complement this painting, and For some sections, we even use different shades of colors to create simple patterns. Will you use colors similar to ours, or will you choose a completely different color palette? You can also have fun choosing the art tools and media that best suit the color scheme you’re looking for!
4 More Ways to Make Your Abstract Face Design Unique
Channel your inner Picasso as we make this abstract face sketch even better! This art style is all about expression, and one of the best ways to express yourself is through colors. This drawing of an abstract face shows you a set of colors you could use, but feel free to experiment. This may involve the paints you choose and the tools and artistic mediums you use to achieve them. It gives you much freedom, and you can enjoy playing with the possibilities! Now that you’ve finished drawing this abstract face, you can try making a few variations.
For example, you could have something as simple as a side wink. You can also change the facial expression or add additional features, such as a mustache. These are just a few ideas you could go for, but there are plenty of ways to make them unique! Then you’ll want to visit our website for more drawing guides! We frequently upload new directions for you to enjoy, so check back often. We’d also love to see how your abstract face design turned out, so please share your finished artwork on our Facebook and Pinterest pages!
What other features could you add?
Another fun challenge you could do would be to create another abstract face design based on a natural person. For example, you can use a mirror and try to draw your face in this style. Fortunately, with this style, there’s no wrong way to do it, and the weirder, the better! Why not try creating portraits of people you know to see how different they will be? Finally, drawing more background decorations can extend your abstract face sketch. It could be done in the same abstract style we use to make it easier for you. Try to think of objects that can fit into the scene, like a vase or a bowl of fruit.
Then take what you’ve learned in this guide and try to adapt those elements. Again, there is no wrong way to do this, so feel free to have fun and experiment! Then you’ll want to visit our website for more drawing guides! We frequently upload new directions for you to enjoy, so check back often. We’d also love to see how your abstract face design turned out, so please share your finished artwork on our Facebook and Pinterest pages!
Your abstract face drawing is complete!
That gets you to the back of this manual on removing a conceptual look! It is such a thrilling and memorable creative activity that we expect you have appreciated performing with it. It can be daunting to adopt such a unique style, but if you follow the steps in the guide, we hope it will be much easier! When you’re done with the design we’ve created, you can continue with your design elements! Whether you’re doing it with color choices or design tweaks, we know you will get fantastic artwork. Then you’ll want to visit our website for more drawing guides! We frequently upload new directions for you to enjoy, so check back often. We’d also love to see how your abstract face design turned out, so please share your finished artwork on our Facebook and Pinterest pages!