How To Propagate Philodendron Gloriosum Zebra?
In recent years, philodendron gloriosum zebra has become extremely popular among houseplants, and it’s easy to understand why. Large, velvety-touch, dark green leaves with a heart-shape make it very desired. (If you feel like you’ve seen this before, it looks a lot like the tropical aroid Anthurium clarinervium.) In younger foliage, the veins of the leaves may have a pinkish tinge and are a striking, lighter shade of silvery-green.
Under the plant’s natural environment, a single leaf can get very big, and even in cultivation, it’s not unusual to see leaves that are 26 inches across or more. It definitely turns heads!Gloriosum, like other aroids (such as Alcasias, Monsteras, and Pothos), is cultivated more for its leaves than its blooms. It features a modest white bloom, or inflorescence, which is made up of the flower’s spathe and spadix.
In the corner of a room, a mature Philodendron gloriosum houseplant with extra-large leaves is on show.
Philodendron gloriosum maintenance
Lighting and climate
Philodendron gloriosum enjoys bright indirect light, just as other plants that are a part of the forest understory. Without adequate acclimatization, too much direct sunlight can burn the leaves, and too much darkness will cause the plant to grow in a sad and spindly manner.
Don’t overdo it; a little morning or evening sun is OK. If your room doesn’t get enough natural light, place your plant on or near a windowsill or go with artificial lighting.
It’s crucial to keep in mind that this species’ natural home is in the tropics when discussing temperature. Try not to allow the temperature to fall below 59°F because it dislikes the cold.
Room temperature is ideal, so if you’re comfortable in your house, your Philodendron gloriosum should also be. Higher temperatures are also not a concern as long as the sun is not directly beating down on the plant.
humidity and water
The type of potting mixture you select will greatly influence the optimal watering practices for aroids like this one. Overwatering can cause them to rot, especially those that grow rhizomes, like Philodendron gloriosum. This suggests that using a soil mixture that is chunky and airy and that allows extra water to easily drain out of the planter is a good option.It’s nearly hard to overwater if the soil is in good shape, so make sure to read the section below for more details on the perfect potting soil composition.
In any event, keeping your Philodendron gloriosum slightly damp can benefit it. During the busy summer growing season, you can allow the top 1 to 2 inches of soil dry up before watering it again. You can allow the soil to get about halfway dry in the winter because houseplants are less active and so require less water.
This member of the aroid family is not the pickiest when it comes to humidity. However, it dislikes foods that are too dry.
This Philodendron and your other houseplants may benefit from a humidifier if humidity levels frequently fall below 40% (you can monitor this using a cheap humidity meter). Winter can be very dry in our houses, which can result in infestations of spider mites and crispy leaf tips. I advise raising the humidity to at least 50 or 60 percent in order to keep your plant content.
Planting and the soil
The majority of philodendrons thrive in the correct soil mixture. They prefer a grittier mixture with better drainage than standard potting soil because they don’t really like it.Making your own ideal aroid soil is simple and will benefit many common houseplants, including the gloriosum, in thriving. Although you can play around a little, the traditional mixture is equal parts houseplant potting soil, perlite, and orchid bark.
Sphagnum moss can help your soil combination retain water if you discover that it dries out too rapidly.
A form of activated charcoal without chemicals called horticultural charcoal is another favorite among some indoor gardeners for promoting plant growth and supporting general wellness. According to claims, this soil supplement would “sweeten” the soil (maintain the pH level above 7.0), clean the soil with contaminants like bacteria and fungi, soak up extra moisture to lessen the risk of rot, and deter pests.
The ideal kind of planter for a Philodendron gloriosum isn’t all that important. The drainage hole in the planter should always be there because it is what matters most. Given the species’ tendency to creep rather than ascend, choosing an extra-wide planter can also be useful in ensuring that it has enough room to do its thing.Make sure the rhizome is not buried (the part of the stem where the leaves emerge). The lower part of the rhizome should be exposed, with only the roots completely covered.
You can learn more about philodendron gloriosum zebra on purple heart plant …..
Even though Philodendron gloriosum doesn’t grow very quickly, it will still benefit from some additional nutrients during the growing season, which can range from spring to about mid-fall depending on where you live. In contrast to their wintertime “hibernation period,” houseplants aggressively produce new leaves during this time.
When your Philodendron is actively developing, you can water with some diluted liquid houseplant fertilizer every other week or so. If it isn’t growing or isn’t performing well, don’t fertilize it because you run the danger of harming the roots.
With the exception of sometimes removing dead leaves, your Philodendron gloriosum won’t require any pruning. When a plant decides that it no longer requires older leaves, it will typically let it go.Have a look at the propagation section below if you’ve determined that your plant has gotten a little out of hand and needs some taming.
Philodendron gloriosum growth
While Philodendron gloriosum propagation isn’t particularly difficult, it can differ slightly from other plant propagation methods. If they have any offshoots, they can be quickly multiplied via division (as described in the section above). Rhizome cuttings are an option if that isn’t the case.It is similar to taking a stem cutting from a “regular” climbing Philodendron when taking a rhizome cutting from a creeping one. The only significant distinction is that you make a vertical cut rather than a horizontal one, which would involve cutting a portion of the plant from the top (removing part of the plant from the side). You will be slicing through the leaves.
Find a section of the rhizome where you can make a quick cut, then remove a section of the plant that has one or two nodes (growth points). A few leaves should also be included because a cutting made entirely of rhizomes will take significantly longer to sprout. To locate a good location on the rhizome and perform a precise cut, it may be advantageous to remove the plant from its container.
Your gloriosum cutting can be rooted in sphagnum moss that has been dampened, potting soil, or water. While you wait for the rhizome to grow, think about putting everything in a clear plastic bag to boost humidity levels. This stimulates growth much more quickly and provides a setting akin to a little greenhouse.
separating or replanting
There’s a chance that your Philodendron gloriosum will develop soil-level offshoots that you can easily cut out and grow a brand-new plant from. That might be a good way to add to your collection, make gifts for friends, or earn a little more cash on the side, given the prices that this species still commands!Simply remove your Philodendron from its planter, cut the offset(s) apart with a pair of clean pruning scissors, and plant each plant in a new pot with fresh soil. This manner, you can enjoy or sell an additional specimen without having to transfer the mother plant to a bigger pot.
On the other hand, a larger and more stunning show results from leaving offshoots in the same container as the mother plant. Repotting can be done if desired once or twice a year, or anytime your Philodendron outgrows its current planter, in the spring.