Six Mistakes You Shouldn’t Make When Writing Assignment

Essays, research papers, reports, and personal responses/reflections are all very different from high school writing assignments in post-secondary settings. Thoughts and ideas must now meet higher standards than ever, and the same is true of writing down your thoughts and arguments. Accounting Assignment Help UK from My Assignment Expert is one of the best-selling assignment assistance which helped over 150,000 students around the world.
The thesis argument in a written response must be comprehensive and coherent, and small elements like proper syntax, sentence structure, and active voice are essential for getting top grades.
There are several frequent writing mistakes that students make that undermine their potential to submit a quality project and earn a high mark, even though not every student is a natural writer or has a passion for writing.
A student must avoid these SIX errors if they are sincere about writing skill improvement.
Mistake #1: Starting at the very last Moment
Especially for those who are doubtful of their writing skills, written tasks might be scary. On the other hand, delaying writing until the last minute is a common error that further reinforces demoralising experiences with writing tasks.
You put off starting until the last minute, then rush to complete the work overnight while under the influence of caffeine.
The essay is then returned with a poor score and notes like, “Maintain focus on your topic throughout your paper,” “Use additional textual evidence or secondary sources,” “Use more active voice,” and “Proper citation is essential.”
You come to the conclusion that writing assignments aren’t and never will be your thing as a result of the subpar grade and negative criticism.
Break the cycle.
Do everything you can to set yourself for success.
You can keep on track by giving yourself a start deadline two weeks before the actual paper due date. With a start deadline, you are compelled to come up with ideas and start the process far in advance of the assignment’s due date.
The essay or research report can be split down into smaller, more doable responsibilities, as you’ll see in the next paragraphs, making them seem less onerous. The most important piece of advise is that you need time to break up and finish various jobs.
Mistake #2: Lack of a Plan When Writing
Having a distinct focus and direction when writing an assignment is crucial. Whether you’re writing a thesis statement, a hypothesis you’re testing, or just your personal viewpoint, always keep that focus in mind.
It’s challenging for teachers to grade you when you write without a goal and veer off on irrelevant tangents.
Therefore, it is essential to first determine the topic of a task, such as an essay or report, and then to consistently articulate how each component of the task connects to the task’s purpose.
The best method to organise and concentrate on a task is to create an outline.
This is always the first chunked activity to finish when writing an assignment, and it’s sometimes the most entertaining because you’re not actually writing your paper; instead, you’re just thinking of ideas, being imaginative, and creating connections.
It’s also a good idea to break down the assignment into the different portions that must be finished, such as the literature review, methodology, results, and discussion, and what should be the focus in each area, if you’re writing a report or a research paper.
Mistake #3: Not completing the task
Secondary sources have the power to make or break a post-secondary paper, but most English teachers in high school won’t tell you this.
No matter if you’re writing a study proposal on the effects of caffeine on skeletal muscle contraction or a Shakespeare essay, your paper will fail if you don’t employ secondary sources to support your arguments.
It is crucial to add quotes and viewpoints from your text or academic journals to your assignment.
Most students make the error of either not doing the necessary research on the subject and gathering reliable quotes or not organising their secondary sources in a way that makes them easy to use in the future.
Don’t waste time looking up amazing quotes and then failing to write them down.
It’s a great idea to keep track of all the quotes you uncover in a separate document or chart to stay organised and ease the writing process once you get going.
Copy the entire quote in one column, followed by the source or citation in a separate column. Include a third column at the end of your assignment to indicate which argument or paragraph you think this quote will be used in.
Writing a paper is much simpler when your outline and your research document are combined.
The only thing left to do to finish those parts or paragraphs of your assignment is to formulate your argument, provide evidence for it from secondary sources, link it to your thesis, and polish it.
Mistake #4: Incorrect citation and formatting
I cannot stress this enough: the most detrimental error you can make when writing in post-secondary is neglecting to offer adequate citation.
Academic integrity is held to a very high standard at every college and institution, and plagiarism is strictly prohibited. As a result, the punishment is severe and pupils may suffer enormous goose eggs as grades if a citation is absent or filled out incorrectly.
Why invest the time and effort writing an assignment from scratch only to fail to cite sources and get a failing grade?
Because they must prove to administration and parents that they made every attempt to give a student the opportunity to complete an assignment, high school teachers frequently struggle with issuing zeros.
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Professors in higher education are unconcerned. There are fewer papers to grade when one of them is plagiarised.
Avoid doing this, particularly in light of how easy it is to construct APA, MLA, and Chicago citations. Depending on the citation format, some academic search engines, like Google Scholar, will provide you with the most recent citation.
Son of Citation Machine is another free solution that enables you to generate citations by simply inputting the required data into a citation generator.
Avoid the error of forgetting to cite your work. Simply avoid.
Mistake #5: Not Getting Reaction
After working on a project for several days straight, it is often a good idea to have someone else review it and offer fresh perspectives.
The largest error students make is not making an appointment to discuss the outline with a professor or teaching assistant.
Going over the outline before writing the paper can help students save a lot of time and work because professors and teaching assistants (TAs) usually provide clarity and feedback regarding assignments.
Once you have your outline, it is essential to meet with professors and teaching assistants since, if modifications are made after you have begun writing the paper, you will almost probably need to rewrite some of it.
Mistake #6: Using the Passive Voice
Most students have no idea what passive voice is or how detrimental it may be to a written work.
The benefit of passive voice and its partner active voice is that it is relatively simple to recognise passive voice and convert a sentence into active speech.
In a sentence, the verb is pronounced in the active voice when the subject is doing the action. Active voice is characterised by a clear, direct tone.
When the verb affects the subject in a sentence, it uses the passive voice. The more subdued and feeble passive voice frequently ends with a preposition. A preposition is a word that joins the pronoun and the noun that make up the subject of a sentence with the object of the sentence.
It could be confusing, so let’s look at an active and passive voice example.
The carpenter cut the wood, as an example of the active voice.
Carpenter (topic), “cut,” and “object” (wood)
The carpenter used the passive voice to cut the wood.
Subject, wood as the object, verb “cut,” and preposition “by” (carpenter)
The preceding example’s active voice phrase is succinct, unambiguous, and direct. The statement written in the passive person uses more words (was and by), is indirect, and makes the reader work harder than required to understand it because the subject of the sentence—a carpenter—isn’t introduced until the very end.