TikTok to MP4 Converters – The Best Options You Can Use

All the 90s kids might have known the hassle of downloading MP4 so GS in their qwerty pad phones. It was not less than a hassle back then when internet connections were slow and phones were not upgraded.
But in the current times, technology has overpowered our generation in this fast-paced world Tik Tok is the topmost entertaining social media platform where almost millions and millions of videos get uploaded daily ranging from every genre of your interest.
Some videos spark our interest which deserves a space in our camera rolls but we don’t know how to download the MP4 version of TikTok videos as the video-sharing platform does not support that format.
This article will make your worries go away. We will enlist the best TikTok MP4 downloaders and how to use them. So hang on and read till the end:
What is an MP4 Format?
MP4 is a multimedia container that is used to store multiple files such as videos and audio. It is one of the most commonly used video files format that is used for downloading.
Due to its capability of acquiring very less disc space, it is widely used thought-out the world to store multimedia content.
Also Read : Konverter TikTok ke MP4 – Opsi Terbaik yang Dapat Anda Gunakan
Here are some of the most commonly known Tik Tok MP4 Convertors that can download your Tik Tok videos in less time without acquiring much space:
SSS TIKTOK is another free alternative to download TikTok videos without wasting your time. It is also free and downloads TikTok videos without watermarks.
Launch the TikTok app, Copy the URL of your favorite video, press download and enjoy your video in less than a minute time.
Coming to the best of the best, Snap Tik. It is the best TikTok video downloader with over 1 million downloads. It is easy, convenient, and quick to download your desired TikTok videos.
- Open SnapTik in your browser
- Look for the videos in Tik Tok and copy the URL
- Paste it into the search box and hit ‘Download’
- Your high-quality, watermark-free MP4 videos will be automatically downloaded to your camera roll
DVDFab Video Convertor
It is premium Website that converts videos in more than 100 formats. Don’t worry, it also has a free version that does not support as many formats as the premium version but it does the job pretty well.
Download and run the Website on your PC. Paste the TikTok video you wish you download and select the output format. Your video will be ready within no time.
All in One Downloader (AIO)
It is the best online TikTok MP4 converter when you are in a hurry and do not afford to download Website.
Just go to the website and insert the Tik Tok Video’s URL in the search bar, hit the download icon and your video will be ready in no time.
Online Video Convertor
It is a free online video source to convert your Tik Tok videos into MP4 format. Above all, it offers watermark-free videos which enhance the quality of videos two-fold.
It also supports many other social platforms apart from TikTok, such as; Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and more.
What’s best?
When you have a lot of options to choose from then go for the one which is the easiest and simplest and provides more benefits in less time.
Let me do the maths for you. Out of all the downloaders and MP4 converters mentioned above the best is, SNAPTIK!
It offers fast downloading, requires less space, has easy operation, and it is accessible to any operating system.
Why MP4 Format?
This is a great question, that is asked by almost every tech enthusiastic. MP4 format offers a lot of benefits and there are numerous reasons why video editors choose this:
- It is compatible with multiple platforms
- It can create small files due to a high amount of compression
- Also, It allows the attachment of metadata to your files.
Also Read : Konverter TikTok ke MP4 – Opsi Terbaik yang Dapat Anda Gunakan di 2022
As 41% of its clients are between the ages of 16 and 24. Among these Tik Tok clients, 90% say they utilize the application everyday. Tik Tok topographical use has shown that 43% of new clients are from India.
As of the principal quarter of 2022, there were more than 100 million month to month dynamic clients in the United States and 23 million in the UK. The typical client, everyday, was burning through 1 hour and 25 minutes on the application.
The above-mentioned MP4 converters are the best to cater to your need and they can easily download MP4 format TikTok videos in your camera roll.
Enjoy your high-quality Tik Tok with your friends and share them on social media to increase your reach to a wider audience base.
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