Top 10 Tips for Managing a Software Developer
Software developers are highly valued members of the development team, but managing them can be tricky. As an IT Manager, you want to encourage the best from your software developers so that they perform at their best and so that you get the best results possible. Here are 10 tips for managing a software developer to help you maximize the value of this essential member of your team.
Over the years, with an ever-increasing rate of technological advancements and inventions, software development has emerged as one of the key professions. India, being an IT hub and home to the top software development companies in India, is the perfect location to find the brightest minds to work on your next project.
Here Are the Top 10 Tips for Managing a Software Developer
1. Allow Developers to Do Their Jobs
This may seem self-explanatory, but it’s difficult to be hands-off and allow developers to do their jobs. Most of the time your involvement is needed in one way or another, so the following tips will be helpful.
- Use benevolent guidance instead of control over how you want the project to progress.
- Ask questions to clarify their thought process when they make suggestions on new ways to build out a feature.
- Provide general feedback that helps guide the project in the right direction while still letting them experiment with different approaches.
- Allow some level of risk taking, even if it doesn’t work out every time.
- If a developer says something sounds like a lot of work, ask what’s wrong with it instead of dismissing them outright.
2. Stay on top of deadlines
It’s your job to keep tabs on deadlines and make sure that your developer is on track. For example, if you work with your developer to create a 6-month schedule of deliverables, it should be as easy as looking at the calendar and counting back six months to see when they are expected to finish each task.
3. Distribute and share files in one place
Distribute and share files in one place. Setting up one shared repository is good practice when the entire team is working on the same project and needs to have the latest code version on their computers. Keep in mind that you need to be able to grant your team access to the repository or they will not be able to share files with other members of the team.
4. Listen and Respond
Don’t be defensive. Listen and Respond. Understand the challenge from their perspective. Propose a solution, even if it’s not your first instinct. It is easy to be confrontational when you feel overwhelmed or surprised by what has happened, but don’t respond in anger or frustration because you want to feel heard and respected.
5. Monitor real-time updates
Good project management is essential in any business that deals with software. Here are ten tips to monitor real-time updates on the development team’s progress. This can help in making sure your developers have all of the resources they need and you can better manage their time.
Update tasks as they are completed: It’s important to have a checklist of tasks that need to be completed, which will keep you from forgetting anything. As each task is checked off, it should be updated so that it stays fresh in everyone’s mind.
Sometimes there may be tasks left undone due to lack of resources or other external factors; this would cause a potential issue down the line. It could also mean there are deadlines not being met because some tasks were never started at all. Asking about what happened with these undone items could help avoid future issues like this one.
6. Understand what motivates the
Each person is motivated by different things and what motivates one developer may not work for another. Understand what motivates your software developers so you can tailor their work to maximize the effort they put in. Try asking them what they think would make them happier or ask other people who know the person better, like co-workers or mentors. Knowing why they’re successful will help you understand what motivates them.
Ask questions about how much time they want to spend on each task and which tasks are more important than others. You’ll also want to find out how much of their day is spent doing administrative tasks versus coding. Paying attention to these differences will allow you to match up tasks with someone’s natural inclinations and skillset, leading them toward success.
7. Don’t be afraid to ask questions
It’s never too early to ask questions. In the first few meetings, go in with an open mind and don’t be afraid to ask questions that may seem basic or redundant. It’s good to have as much information as possible and avoid surprises later down the line. When you are working with developers, it’s important to always have a shared understanding of what is being asked of them and what they need from you.
By asking clarifying questions upfront, you can identify any potential conflicts before they arise and eliminate confusion later on in the process. You will also find out how well the developer understands your needs and project goals by asking these questions. For example, if they’re not sure about something, then you should take some time to make sure they understand everything you want done before moving forward.
8. Give them what they need
It is essential to give them what they need to do their work – an environment that helps them do what they are asked to do. A software developer may feel frustrated if the environment does not have the same setups and tools available as the one they used when developing their project. Or if the environment does not support collaborative projects.
Make sure your business needs are met before hiring a software developer. They can be expensive, so consider how much you’ll use them and how often. Figure out how many developers you’ll need and what tasks you want to assign each of them. And, don’t forget: developers like snacks!
9. Emphasize Quality over Quantity
Our end goal is to have happy customers and healthy finances. Quality over quantity is key because if we produce more software, but the quality is low it will lead to dissatisfied customers. Our desire to do our best should be directed into creating better programs which will lead to satisfied customers and a positive financial situation. A great way to increase production is by improving skills and learning new technologies.
To achieve this, take classes outside of work or read about new developments in the field. There are plenty of free resources available on the internet so there’s no excuse not to improve oneself as a developer. If you’re stuck on what direction to take with your career, ask your boss or an advisor how they would recommend moving forward or use online resources like Quora to get feedback from other professionals in your field of expertise.
10. Avoid Task Switching
The most important tip to remember when managing software developers is to avoid task switching. Task switching interrupts thought processes and can disrupt the developer’s current train of thought. If you know the tasks that need completing, plan them out in order of importance and work on those tasks in that order rather than jumping around constantly. It will be more difficult for the developer to complete the tasks if they are given different ones every time they switch back to one task after working on another.
It can be difficult to manage software developers, especially if you do not have any experience doing so. However, following these ten tips should make it easier and will help your business run more smoothly. When hire software developers in India, make sure you have enough hands on deck at all times. It is also a good idea to hire software developers with an understanding of your industry before the start of their first day. With these steps in mind, there should be less stress and frustration when managing those developers.