What is The Purpose of Functional Medicine

A functional medicine approach focuses on a patient’s unique needs. For example, a practitioner may prescribe two entirely different treatments for the same symptoms even when they’re causing the same physical effects. A functional medicine practitioner may order genetic testing to understand how genetics affects the body and how the treatment will differ for different patients.
Addressing Underlying Causes of Disease
Functional Medicine Denver CO practitioners consider the underlying causes of a person’s disease and treat it accordingly. The concept of dynamic human physiology is recognized in this practice. This dynamic system creates patterns and results in illness rather than treating symptoms. Using this approach, practitioners can address the underlying causes of a disease, which can lead to better overall health. A patient-centered approach to chronic disease management is also a hallmark of this approach. It focuses on finding the root causes and correcting them before a disease develops into a severe condition.
Most chronic diseases are complex and are not caused by one single cause. Instead, an infection can be caused by a combination of organ systems not functioning correctly. A simple example is a poor digestive system, which can lead to several chronic diseases. This is because each person’s health is unique, and a single treatment plan is unlikely to work for everyone.
Personalized Care
In modern society, the number of chronic diseases has skyrocketed. While conventional medicine focuses on symptoms, functional medicine aims to find the root causes of illness and treat them instead. In this way, patients can reduce the cost of future health care. In addition, patients can be proactive in managing their health by taking measures to prevent illness and disease. For example, functional medicine providers may address blood sugar concerns before prescribing conventional medications or assessing the patient for pre-diabetes.
Personalized care is the goal of functional medicine. The idea behind this approach is that the body has multiple systems that speak to each other. For example, there is a connection between the brain and the gut, often referred to as the second brain. By addressing an illness’s cause, functional medicine can treat the symptoms and reverse chronic diseases. Personalized care is the purpose of experimental treatment.
Treatment of The Whole Person
Functional medicine may be right for you if you’re looking for a natural way to cure a health problem. This method of treating the whole person focuses on the underlying causes of the disease rather than just treating the symptoms. This approach looks at the entire person and considers genetics, family history, lifestyle, and environmental factors. For example, functional medicine can help them improve their health if a person suffers from digestive problems or allergies.
A doctor specializing in functional medicine will use a variety of tests and treatments to determine the cause of an illness and treat it accordingly. Some tests include urine metabolite testing, saliva, and hormone assessment, and comprehensive stool analysis. In addition to performing these tests, a functional medicine practitioner will discuss the patient’s health history to determine the underlying cause of the illness and help them achieve optimal health. Typically, this approach is more comprehensive than traditional medicine, as patients may have multiple issues that affect their health.
Integrative Medicine
Functional medicine combines conventional and complementary therapies to treat the whole person. This type of medicine focuses on preventing and relieving discomfort caused by complex diseases. Complementary therapies may also influence the response to conventional treatments. Many patients benefit from this approach. Using complementary therapies and traditional medicine can help your body achieve optimal health.
Integrative medicine aims to find the underlying causes of illness and promote a more balanced state of health. This method combines conventional Western treatment with alternative therapies to improve the quality of life and prevent disease. It aims to improve health by addressing the entire body and mind. Functional doctors work to find the underlying cause of illness and restore health to patients. While many of these practices may not be for everyone, they can benefit some people.