Why Emails are sent to Spam!

Why Emails are sent to Spam!
Why Emails are sent to Spam! Even with Premium Services Like Amazon SES, Sendgrid, Gsuite, Mailgun emails go to the spam folder.
Hey everyone! How are you? I am Md. Istiqur Rahman from our-articles.com, a High DA PA Guest Posting Site.
Emails sent to spam
So, one of my friends asked me something the other day. He told me that he is using Amazon SES as known as AWS Simple Email Service. Still, his emails are going to spam! It’s really weird! Why emails are sent to spam!
In this article today we will discuss why your emails are going to spam, even if you are using premium services like
- Amazon SES
- SendGrid
- Mailgun and so on
Stay tuned and follow up with me!
Why Emails are sent to Spam Even with Premium Services Like Amazon SES, Sendgrid, Gsuite, Mailgun?
So why your emails are going to spam even you are using premium SMTP services like Amazon SES or Mailgun or SendGrid and so on. Mainly we have
- two major reasons, and
- two minor ones.
Major Reasons why emails are sent to spam
Let’s start with the major reasons.
Blacklisted Domain
The first important thing is to check if your domain is blacklisted or not. This happened to me. One day I was using Amazon SES to send my email campaigns. Some of my followers told me that my emails are going to spam. Why is that?
I went to one of the domains I use to send emails. I found it was blacklisted.
How to check if your domain is blacklisted to send an email?
How to check this? Go to this website called mxtoolbox, and move to blacklists. You will have to write your domain here and click the blacklist check. You’ll find if your email is blacklisted or not.

In this way, you can find if your domain is blacklisted or not.

So the first thing to do is to check if your domain is blacklisted or not. That’s that.
Send a test email
The second thing you have to do (after you check if your domain is blackest or not) is to send a test email. You can go to websites like MailTester. I think you know it.

Send a test email and check your score. It will give you a full report if there is something missing if something is causing this to be spam.
You can go to this website called isnotspam.com. In the same way, send to this one, and get this report.

You can go to Glockapps.com. It is really an important website. It will give you a detailed analysis of what emails are going to inbox, and what is going to spam.

You may go to Gmass, and send a test email before you launch any campaign. So you can know if your email is going to spam, to the inbox, or the promotion section in Gmail.
We checked if the domain is blacklisted or not. If it’s blacklisted, this is the main reason why it’s going to spam.
You can also go, and send a test email to check. If this email is going to inbox, spam, or promotions using tools that I showed you.
Spamminess of the email content
The second main reason is the email content itself. You may be using spammy keywords that are filtered by spam filters. You can be using some may be affiliate links that are not allowed by large mailing companies. So your emails will be marked as spam. As we see the email content itself is also very important to check.
You can check also using the same tools when you send a test email. You will see if this email is passing the spam or not.
Why emails are sent to the spam folder!
So these are the main major reasons
- The domain is blacklisted,
- Email content itself has a spammy flavor.
Reasons emails go to spam
Now we have other two minor reasons that you can’t do much to solve.
Sometimes one of the IP addresses that these companies are using like
- Amazon SES
- Mailgun or whatever
- SendGrid may be also blacklisted.
Blacklisted IP Address
I’m talking about the IP address. This IP is shared between all the users who are using this service. So to solve this issue you can’t do anything for this IP.
There is an option for dedicated IP
You can just go and get a dedicated IP for you on that service. Use it for your own purposes.
If you are using the same shored IP address and it’s blacklisted you can’t do anything. You may contact Amazon or SendGrid or the company you are using.
Warming up of the dedicated IP
The last minor reason: It may be when you get the dedicated IP, and you are still in the warming up process. Maybe the emails also will go to the spam folder instead of the inbox. Until the full warming-up operation ends.
Pros of big companies in case of email sending campaigns
Now, what’s nice about these big companies: it allows you to automate warming a process. So IP warming up is not that big deal when it comes to using these companies.
Summary: Why Emails are sent to Spam! Even with Premium Services Like Amazon SES, Sendgrid, Gsuite, Mailgun emails go to the spam folder.
The main two reasons to think about always is to check
- the domain reputation if your domain is blacklisted or not, and
- if your email content itself contains spammy keywords or spammy links that will be filtered when it comes to spam filters.
I hope the idea is simple and everything is clear.